The musical adventures of the band Waltari, began in the first half of the 1990s. and since there's probably almost in every heart of the genuine lovers of rock music. The original mixing various aspects of classic rock music created completely new and fresh music creations. Waltari can be regarded as the pioneers of the crossoverového genre. In his work always include all of what is current and in. Waltari today are internationally highly recognized and treasured icon, which has released 12 studio albums and their live shows are a guarantee of fun, crazy rock rides with them, which is always completely full to enjoy!
Über Waltari
The musical adventures of the band Waltari, began in the first half of the 1990s. and since there's probably almost in every heart of the genuine lovers of rock music. The original mixing various aspects of classic rock music created completely new and fresh music creations. Waltari can be regarded as the pioneers of the crossoverového genre. In his work always include all of what is current and in. Waltari today are internationally highly recognized and treasured icon, which has released 12 studio albums and their live shows are a guarantee of fun, crazy rock rides with them, which is always completely full to enjoy!