Vodka Museum

The Vodka Museum presents the history of vodka, from the start of its modern industrial production in Lviv in 1782 until modern times. The Museum also allows visitors to gain a valuable personal experience by allowing them to taste carefully selected varieties of this drink. The Vodka Museum's collection, unique in the world, is the result of combining the extensive collections of Adam Łukawski and Piotr Popiński which have been accumulated over 20 years. It is supplemented by exhibits donated or lent by alcohol producers, institutions, museums and private collectors from Poland and abroad.

Aktuelle Museums-Ausstellungen

Beschreibung des Ortes

The Vodka Museum presents the history of vodka, from the start of its modern industrial production in Lviv in 1782 until modern times. The Museum also allows visitors to gain a valuable personal experience by allowing them to taste carefully selected varieties of this drink. The Vodka Museum's collection, unique in the world, is the result of combining the extensive collections of Adam Łukawski and Piotr Popiński which have been accumulated over 20 years. It is supplemented by exhibits donated or lent by alcohol producers, institutions, museums and private collectors from Poland and abroad.


Ähnliche Orte