Soulkostel in Vernéřovice is a unique cultural venue in the Czech–Polish borderland, it is a deconsecrated church located in woods in former Sudetenland of Broumovsko area. The place was founded by Hans Brussee and Marjolijn de Graaf, who descovered the church from 19th century as a ruin fifteen years ago. In that time the roof was occupied by trees, the original interior was ravaged by fire and the equipment was stolen. After many years of cherishing and patient reconstructing the place returned into it's original purpose and now it functions as a meeting space for different people, communities and art.
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Soulkostel in Vernéřovice is a unique cultural venue in the Czech–Polish borderland, it is a deconsecrated church located in woods in former Sudetenland of Broumovsko area. The place was founded by Hans Brussee and Marjolijn de Graaf, who descovered the church from 19th century as a ruin fifteen years ago. In that time the roof was occupied by trees, the original interior was ravaged by fire and the equipment was stolen. After many years of cherishing and patient reconstructing the place returned into it's original purpose and now it functions as a meeting space for different people, communities and art.