
Shallov is a Bratislava-based trio that debuted in 2014 with their own album No Place For Two. Shallov. has already had the opportunity to perform at the biggest Slovak festival – Pohoda and play alongside bands such as Birds in Row, Les Discretes, Viva Belgrado, No Omega, Loma Prieta, Joliette, Apocalipsis. With each live performance, the sound of the band gains power, drawing the audience into a warm wave of melancholic euphoria often even bringing people to tears.

Über Shallov

Shallov is a Bratislava-based trio that debuted in 2014 with their own album No Place For Two. Shallov. has already had the opportunity to perform at the biggest Slovak festival – Pohoda and play alongside bands such as Birds in Row, Les Discretes, Viva Belgrado, No Omega, Loma Prieta, Joliette, Apocalipsis. With each live performance, the sound of the band gains power, drawing the audience into a warm wave of melancholic euphoria often even bringing people to tears.

Genres: Hardcore, Post Hardcore, Screamo

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