Cheb native PTK is a rapper whose popularity on the Czech underground scene is growing quite fast without any label behind him. In 2021 he released the albums 27, Drowned in Time and Bad Vibe, in 2022 the album Trappin Lonely and in 2023 the albums Golden Hill, Trap Menu and Silent Kill..

Nächste Konzerte

Vysmátý léto 2025 Vysmátý léto 2025 Hrad Kadaň, Kadaň

Über PTK

Cheb native PTK is a rapper whose popularity on the Czech underground scene is growing quite fast without any label behind him. In 2021 he released the albums 27, Drowned in Time and Bad Vibe, in 2022 the album Trappin Lonely and in 2023 the albums Golden Hill, Trap Menu and Silent Kill..

Genres: Hip-Hop, Trap, Rap


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