Prague Castle Picture Gallery

Picture Gallery of Prague Castle presents about a hundred of the paintings from its collection that counts about 4000 unique masterpieces. The original collection that was built mainly by the Emperor Rudolf II. was much bigger, but due to numerous wars only a fraction of the works have remained in the administration of the Prague castle. Nevertheless, gallery still can present works of the famous pinters such as Titian, Rubens or Aachen.

Aktuelle Galerie-Ausstellungen

Beschreibung des Ortes

Picture Gallery of Prague Castle presents about a hundred of the paintings from its collection that counts about 4000 unique masterpieces. The original collection that was built mainly by the Emperor Rudolf II. was much bigger, but due to numerous wars only a fraction of the works have remained in the administration of the Prague castle. Nevertheless, gallery still can present works of the famous pinters such as Titian, Rubens or Aachen.


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