Peter Pan Complex

The beginning of the band Peter Pan Complex dates back to the summer of 2007, when Jordan Haj (vocals, guitar) and Givinar Kriz (lead guitar, keyboards) created an acoustic project called Fateful Revolution. At that time the current frontman of Peter Pan Complex lived in Israel, which greatly affected both the work of Fateful Revolution and the current sound of Peter Pan Complex.

Two basic elements of Fateful Revolution survived into the present compositions. Givinar reflects the influences of classic rock, synthesized sounds and effected guitars. In contrast, Jordan represents the new wave of Israeli alternative and experimental forms, straddling the line between social criticism and cynical poetic songwriting.

After a few solo performances, the somewhat unfulfilled project Fateful Revolution evolved into the band's present form. The arrival of Oskar Pilar (drums) and Ondrej (bass) introduced new creative processes and significantly altered the band's direction.

In September 2010, the band welcomes a new bass player - Csabba (ex. Fake Tapes), who transforms the bass lines into a synthetic wall of sound, which completes the band's sonic vision.

Peter Pan Complex is gradually becoming an important asset to the Prague music scene. During the years of 2010 and 2011 Peter Pan Complex played many live performances, which in turn resulted in the need to create the first professional recording: Unholy.

Über Peter Pan Complex

The beginning of the band Peter Pan Complex dates back to the summer of 2007, when Jordan Haj (vocals, guitar) and Givinar Kriz (lead guitar, keyboards) created an acoustic project called Fateful Revolution. At that time the current frontman of Peter Pan Complex lived in Israel, which greatly affected both the work of Fateful Revolution and the current sound of Peter Pan Complex.

Two basic elements of Fateful Revolution survived into the present compositions. Givinar reflects the influences of classic rock, synthesized sounds and effected guitars. In contrast, Jordan represents the new wave of Israeli alternative and experimental forms, straddling the line between social criticism and cynical poetic songwriting.

After a few solo performances, the somewhat unfulfilled project Fateful Revolution evolved into the band's present form. The arrival of Oskar Pilar (drums) and Ondrej (bass) introduced new creative processes and significantly altered the band's direction.

In September 2010, the band welcomes a new bass player - Csabba (ex. Fake Tapes), who transforms the bass lines into a synthetic wall of sound, which completes the band's sonic vision.

Peter Pan Complex is gradually becoming an important asset to the Prague music scene. During the years of 2010 and 2011 Peter Pan Complex played many live performances, which in turn resulted in the need to create the first professional recording: Unholy.

Genres: Rock, Alternative Rock

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