Metro Theatre
Metro Theatre is located at the passage between Narodni Trida and Pernstyn underground the Palace Metro. Recently it has gone through complete reconstruction and it is now coming back to its original role – to be a centre of culture and social life at the very heart of the city centre. Space is very variable. Theatrical arrangement offers black theatre performances, drama performances and performances for children. It is possible to organize congresses, fashion shows etc. Spaces are available for rent.
Beschreibung des Ortes
Metro Theatre is located at the passage between Narodni Trida and Pernstyn underground the Palace Metro. Recently it has gone through complete reconstruction and it is now coming back to its original role – to be a centre of culture and social life at the very heart of the city centre. Space is very variable. Theatrical arrangement offers black theatre performances, drama performances and performances for children. It is possible to organize congresses, fashion shows etc. Spaces are available for rent.