Sloní Muž

Wash the meat and cut into pieces. Chop the onion and fry half the oil until pink. Add the paprika, stir and pour a little water. Do we add the sliced ​​onion ground meat, cumin and salt. Pour part of the broth, cover with a lid and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the meat is semi. Podléváme broth or water. Then add the chopped meat and sauerkraut stew. Thicken stew roux made with oil and flour, stir well and at a moderate temperature dodusíme meat until tender. Finally, refine cream, salt and simmer briefly.

Serve with dumplings on plates and garnish with whipped cream.


Über Sloní Muž

Wash the meat and cut into pieces. Chop the onion and fry half the oil until pink. Add the paprika, stir and pour a little water. Do we add the sliced ​​onion ground meat, cumin and salt. Pour part of the broth, cover with a lid and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the meat is semi. Podléváme broth or water. Then add the chopped meat and sauerkraut stew. Thicken stew roux made with oil and flour, stir well and at a moderate temperature dodusíme meat until tender. Finally, refine cream, salt and simmer briefly.

Serve with dumplings on plates and garnish with whipped cream.


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