
Gleb Veselov, known as Gleb, is a Slovakian rapper and songwriter. Originally from Russia, he is one of the first rappers, that brought grime music to Slovakian music scene, usually mixed with drum’n’bass influences.

Nächste Konzerte

Long Way Home: Gleb Long Way Home: Gleb Slowakei und Tschechien – verschiedene Austragungsorte, Slowakische Republik
Gleb Gleb Prague – TBA, Prag

Über Gleb

Gleb Veselov, known as Gleb, is a Slovakian rapper and songwriter. Originally from Russia, he is one of the first rappers, that brought grime music to Slovakian music scene, usually mixed with drum’n’bass influences.

Genres: Hip-Hop, Grime, UK Bass, Glitch Pop, Boom Bap


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