Gallery XY

The gallery is located in the building on the Dolní náměstí in Olomouc, where is also located the Theater na cucky (Divadlo na cucky) and Café na cucky.

The main aim of the gallery is to present high-quality contemporary art from the Czech and international scene. Dramaturgy of the gallery focused on the presentation of current events on the art scene in various areas of the Czech Republic and selected, especially Central European countries. It seek to ensure a balanced representation of the media that are often out of interest of local galleries and museums (new media, video art, architecture).

In the gallery are two separate spaces for exhibitions ranging from 5-7 weeks.

Aktuelle Galerie-Ausstellungen

Beschreibung des Ortes

The gallery is located in the building on the Dolní náměstí in Olomouc, where is also located the Theater na cucky (Divadlo na cucky) and Café na cucky.

The main aim of the gallery is to present high-quality contemporary art from the Czech and international scene. Dramaturgy of the gallery focused on the presentation of current events on the art scene in various areas of the Czech Republic and selected, especially Central European countries. It seek to ensure a balanced representation of the media that are often out of interest of local galleries and museums (new media, video art, architecture).

In the gallery are two separate spaces for exhibitions ranging from 5-7 weeks.


Ähnliche Orte