
Crimson a DJ and contributor of Budapest-based promoter crews and events like Ikz, Lick the Click!, Sunburst, Dansmusiq, Szép Booking – Férfimunka, A Császár új ruhája, Kimitrak, Ideal Fears.

There are not many DJs like Crimson who showcases his abilities through a broad spectrum of residencies across the city of Budapest. In his sets he is often balancing between spooky "leftfield" themes and melancholic sound through disco and house.

Due to sharing the same core sensibilities, he has recently appeared a lot as Crimson & Kiss alongside the Hungarian producer Imre Kiss.

Über Crimson

Crimson a DJ and contributor of Budapest-based promoter crews and events like Ikz, Lick the Click!, Sunburst, Dansmusiq, Szép Booking – Férfimunka, A Császár új ruhája, Kimitrak, Ideal Fears.

There are not many DJs like Crimson who showcases his abilities through a broad spectrum of residencies across the city of Budapest. In his sets he is often balancing between spooky "leftfield" themes and melancholic sound through disco and house.

Due to sharing the same core sensibilities, he has recently appeared a lot as Crimson & Kiss alongside the Hungarian producer Imre Kiss.

Genres: Elektronische Musik, Disco, House

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