Ada Slivanská

ADA Slivanská was born in Plzeň. Is a graduate of the Prague Conservatory majoring in violin (Prof. John Louis), composition (Prof. Jan Narendra B) and the Faculty of philosophy of Charles university, musicology. At the time of studies founded the Quartetto con flauto Chamber Ensemble, which also works for other members of the extended under the name of Collegium of Bohemia. After graduation and the annual effects of Poděbrady in the Central Symphonic Orchestra was engaged to Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra (1999). Currently, in addition to the activities of the interpretative (Chamber and solo game, a member of the Orchestra of the State Opera Prague) dedicated to the issues your organization – is the Manager of several soloists and chamber ensembles, spoluorganizátorkou International Festival of Chamber plays "Ameropa" and "Horn-Prague".


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