Sebastian Lehmann
Sebastian Lehmann, born in Freiburg, lives in Berlin. On SWR3 and RBB radioeins run his radio columns Elternzeit and Elterntelefonate. He is a member of the reading stage Lesedüne, which was also shown as Stage 36 on Netflix. He is touring Germany with his solo program Elternzeit. In 2017 the novel Parallel leben and the story collection Ich war jung und hatte das Geld – Meine liebsten Jugendkulturen aus den wilden Neunzigern.
Info o Sebastian Lehmann
Sebastian Lehmann, born in Freiburg, lives in Berlin. On SWR3 and RBB radioeins run his radio columns Elternzeit and Elterntelefonate. He is a member of the reading stage Lesedüne, which was also shown as Stage 36 on Netflix. He is touring Germany with his solo program Elternzeit. In 2017 the novel Parallel leben and the story collection Ich war jung und hatte das Geld – Meine liebsten Jugendkulturen aus den wilden Neunzigern.