Lor is a band formed by four talented teenage girls from Krakow: Julia Skiba (piano), Paulina Sumera (lyrics), Jagoda Kudlińska (singing) and Julia Błachuta (violin). The band debuted in 2015 with the first single Windmill, thanks to which the girls performed, among others, on TVN and Polish Radio. In the following years they performed at the biggest Polish festivals like Open'er Festival, Orange Warsaw Festival, OFF Festival and Soundrive. The music created by the girls, which is a subtle combination of violin, piano and delicate singing, is inspired by the work of such artists as Tom Rosenthal, Agnes Obel or Birdy.
Info o Lor
Lor is a band formed by four talented teenage girls from Krakow: Julia Skiba (piano), Paulina Sumera (lyrics), Jagoda Kudlińska (singing) and Julia Błachuta (violin). The band debuted in 2015 with the first single Windmill, thanks to which the girls performed, among others, on TVN and Polish Radio. In the following years they performed at the biggest Polish festivals like Open'er Festival, Orange Warsaw Festival, OFF Festival and Soundrive. The music created by the girls, which is a subtle combination of violin, piano and delicate singing, is inspired by the work of such artists as Tom Rosenthal, Agnes Obel or Birdy.
Pop, Folk pop