Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Kłodawie z/s w Wojcieszycach

Communal Cultural Centre in Kłodawa z/s in Wojcieszyce was established in 1985. The aim of the centre is to promote and organise cultural life in the Kłodawa Municipality. GOK supervises community centres that operate in ten villages and organise free time for their inhabitants. There are five vocal and music groups operating under the wing of the centre: Kłodawianki, Kaskada, Bukowina, Brzezinki and Róży Kwiat, which primarily cultivate folk traditions by willingly taking part in municipal events. The youth artistic movement is represented by four dance formations: Rhythm, J&J, Recover, Rivers and a wide range of vocalists. The GOK is a regular venue for concerts and various other events, such as stand-up.

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Communal Cultural Centre in Kłodawa z/s in Wojcieszyce was established in 1985. The aim of the centre is to promote and organise cultural life in the Kłodawa Municipality. GOK supervises community centres that operate in ten villages and organise free time for their inhabitants. There are five vocal and music groups operating under the wing of the centre: Kłodawianki, Kaskada, Bukowina, Brzezinki and Róży Kwiat, which primarily cultivate folk traditions by willingly taking part in municipal events. The youth artistic movement is represented by four dance formations: Rhythm, J&J, Recover, Rivers and a wide range of vocalists. The GOK is a regular venue for concerts and various other events, such as stand-up.


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