Europejskie Centrum Pieniądza

Bydgoszcz's Europejskie Centrum Pieniądza (European Centre for Money) is a branch of the city's Muzeum Okręgowe; it houses, among other things, the museum's Numismatics Laboratory and the Department for the Recording, Digitisation and Conservation of Collections, and visitors can visit the permanent exhibition The Treasure of Bydgoszcz and various temporary exhibitions, most often (but not always) focused on the subject of money.

The Centre is housed on Bydgoszcz's Wyspa Młyńska (Mill Island), a late Baroque classicist building dating from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is believed to have been erected on the site of one of the buildings of the former Bydgoszcz Mint, serving as a residential house for mill administration employees until 1996. In 1945 it became the property of the State Treasury, and in the 1990s it was taken over by the City of Bydgoszcz. In 2009, after renovation and restoration work, the tenement house was handed over to the Muzeum Okręgowe.

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Bydgoszcz's Europejskie Centrum Pieniądza (European Centre for Money) is a branch of the city's Muzeum Okręgowe; it houses, among other things, the museum's Numismatics Laboratory and the Department for the Recording, Digitisation and Conservation of Collections, and visitors can visit the permanent exhibition The Treasure of Bydgoszcz and various temporary exhibitions, most often (but not always) focused on the subject of money.

The Centre is housed on Bydgoszcz's Wyspa Młyńska (Mill Island), a late Baroque classicist building dating from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is believed to have been erected on the site of one of the buildings of the former Bydgoszcz Mint, serving as a residential house for mill administration employees until 1996. In 1945 it became the property of the State Treasury, and in the 1990s it was taken over by the City of Bydgoszcz. In 2009, after renovation and restoration work, the tenement house was handed over to the Muzeum Okręgowe.


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